

Whether I’m doing a reading or teaching a class, people often have similar concerns.

These posts answer some of my most frequently asked questions.


Maintaining My Mental Health

During the pandemic people tried all kinds of things to protect their mental health, from cooking to eating and from exercising to TV binging. I knew that there were three things that I needed to thrive: spiritual connection, mental stimulation and human interaction. I found groups that gave me much…

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Mother & Child

  I wonder who you arebeneath the facade.The chatter and clatterremind me of the orange conesused to deflect traffic.I can see the road beyondbut can find no access. Do you remember when laughingfelt natural?When every move wasn’t calculated?Have you buried yourself sosecurely that you’ve forgotten joy? I know that there…

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In my post What Happens When We Die I talk about hell. Since then I’ve had many  questions about heaven. What is Heaven? Heaven and hell aren’t two different places; they are two different experiences in the same place. The difference in our experience depends on our behavior during our life and…

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Self-Care & Purpose

In addition to living with the stresses of our own lives and those of our loved ones, there is another stress generator that we’re dealing with. Having access to all of our electronic devices and a 24/7 news cycle, confronts us with a constant onslaught of news both real and…

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You Are Forever

I saw You as part of a peak of a high cliff overlooking the ocean. The white top waves hitting the shore, gently, firmly with purpose. You were part of the mountain standing tall, solid and strong. You were gazing out and with your full awareness taking it in and…

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Transitioning From Life to Death – It’s Not Scary!

As a medium, I communicate with Spirits. They come to me to share information that will help us in our daily lives. Sometimes one Spirit will come, sometimes two or three will work together. They hold the following information to be so important that I’m being helped by a whole…

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Living As A Whole Person

People often ask me about my origin story. How did I become a medium and how did it affect my life? Here is part of my backstory. I’m a medium and psychic. I’ve always been a medium and psychic.  As a child my awareness and insights were ignored, chastised or seen…

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Pandemic Q & A

The first part of this post contains some of the questions that I’ve received about the pandemic and my responses. The second part is a story about two women dealing with the most stressful time in their lives.   Pandemic Q & A Have you heard anything from dead people…

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I am a medium. I talk to dead people. The information in these stories comes directly from the people involved, living and dead and from my guides. Even when taking extenuating circumstances into  account, we believe that every human being is ultimately responsible for their own actions. We see this…

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