

Whether I’m doing a reading or teaching a class, people often have similar concerns.

These posts answer some of my most frequently asked questions.


Monday Meditations

On Mondays I like to share some of my favorite meditations. Today, both are heart centered. Enjoy! Present Heart, with Tara Brach, about 14 minutes:   ________________________________________ Breathe Breathe, sense the tightness the heaviness the burden you carry. Breathe, soften your gaze your judgement what you hold in your…

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Ten Things of Thankful

Gratitude brings a shift in consciousness. It can literally change your neural pathways to allow you to feel happiness more easily. I hope that these posts inspire you to think of your own: Ten Things of Thankful! 1. The Sun! I’m a sun person. Not for heat, just for shine.…

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Monday Meditations

On Mondays I like to share some of my favorite meditations. When my mind is racing, jumping from one thought to another or obsessing on things that I can’t control, this is my go-to meditation. About 19 minutes. Enjoy! Thay Phap Luu on Mindfulness of Thinking: Mindfulness of Thinking

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Ten Things of Thankful

Gratitude brings a shift in consciousness. It can literally change your neural pathways to allow you to feel happiness more easily. I hope that these posts inspire you to think of your own: Ten Things of Thankful! A Facebook friend, thank you Shelly Altman,  posted a picture of The Forum…

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Ten Things of Thankful

Gratitude brings a shift in consciousness. It can literally change your neural pathways to allow you to feel happiness more easily. I hope that these posts inspire you to think of your own: Ten Things of Thankful! 1. Talented and kind medical professionals. 2. The big old tree in our…

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Tradition and Inclusion

When I started hosting family holidays and celebrations, it was very important to me to have everyone feel included. That meant planning meals for people with celiac, vegetarians, vegans and food allergies. Celiacs were easy. I’m allergic  to gluten so I’ve had a lot of practice baking gluten-free treats. The…

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Sitting With Uncomfortable Emotions

At times fear, anxiety, depression and other unpleasant emotions can feel like a small child demanding our attention. A child will yell, throw a tantrum and keep behaving badly, all in an attempt to get our undivided attention. So will difficult emotions. And as you know, trying to ignore a…

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For My Friend

For My Friend We’re both walking through life on a balance beam. Balancing what we know of the truth with our awareness of the veil that others use to blur their vision. Knowing that Light and Love is available to everyone and accepting that few allow themselves to see it.…

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Dealing With Strong Emotions

As you meditate and practice being fully present in each moment,  you’ll become more aware of how you react to the situations in your life. You will begin to realize that a lot of your behavior is by rote. Something happens and you react as you have many times before, as…

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Emotional Breadcrumbs

From the perspective of dead people,  we the living are making our lives way more complicated than necessary. The way that they see it, we do this by overthinking, overdoing and not paying attention to our emotions. When we allow ourselves to connect to the depth of our emotions and honestly observe how they’re affecting us,…

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