

Whether I’m doing a reading or teaching a class, people often have similar concerns.

These posts answer some of my most frequently asked questions.


Authenticity is an Antidote to Fear

Fear keeps us from living our best life. As children we usually get programmed to see the world a certain way. We’re taught to live within parameters that allow other people to maintain their own comfort level. We subjugate our own thoughts and feelings to sustain the status quo. Instead…

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Living With Trauma

I’ve worked with many women and men who have experienced trauma. Some from childhood, some from their military service and many from other life experiences. One thing that they have in common is that they’ve lost confidence in their ability to make positive choices. When we can’t trust ourselves to…

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I’m Coming Home

People come to me for a multitude of reasons but the core issue for many of them is feeling a disconnect from themselves and from life in general. They feel as though they are going through the motions but that little if any of their life is a reflection of…

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Ten Things of Thankful

Lisa invited me to participate in the ‘Ten Things of Thankful’ blog hop. Joining bloggers from all over the world in sharing what they’re grateful for. Check it out at: Prolific Pulse  1. I’m grateful for Lisa Tomey-Zonneveld. Life took me away from writing and not writing began to take…

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Loving Books & Letting Go

One of the main stressors in our lives is wanting things to be different than they are. I had a friend who never expressed seeing value in anything that I thought or did. After years of feeling frustration and anger I finally let go of expecting any sort of approval…

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When We Connect

When we connect to the Infinite we connect to infinite love infinite wisdom and infinite grace. By doing this  we help the Infinite become more visible to everyone and everything. We may never be aware of the effect that we have,  but others will feel it. They may feel a breeze…

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The Gap

There is a Gap between thinking and feeling and another between feeling and speaking or acting. When you experience whatever triggers you, your response may happen so quickly that you’re completely unaware that there is a Gap. But there is one. Bringing our attention to the Gap and opening ourselves…

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After his wife lost a long battle with pancreatic cancer, my friend lost his: best friend, partner-in-adventure and the love of his life. I’m bringing him his favorite Limoncello Cake and this poem.   She You have not lost her. She is not gone. Every beat of your heart connects…

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Questions About Truth vs Belief

  After reading Truth vs. Belief, people had similar questions. Truth vs Belief Question: How does someone know that their thinking is off? The way to tell if your thinking is off is by paying attention to your emotions. Emotions work like traffic signals. Feeling self-righteous, smug, arrogant or having…

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Truth vs Belief

You are not who you are because of your family. You are not who you are because of what has happened to you in your life, how you were raised or your genetics. This is just your starting point. You are who you are because of how you see your…

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