

Whether I’m doing a reading or teaching a class, people often have similar concerns.

These posts answer some of my most frequently asked questions.


Why We Block Intuition

The reason that we block our intuition is fear. Your rationale may appear in different guises, but they can all be traced back to fear. Some of your fears may seem to be fear of change, looking foolish or making a mistake. But the root of all fear in trusting…

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Information or Knowledge?

Whether you have a desire to improve yourself or to improve the world, reading self-help books and taking classes can be a first step. But, the only way that you can accomplish your goals is if you take the concepts that you’ve learned and apply them to your thoughts, your words and…

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Planning a Wedding

We are deep into wedding planning season and today I’m sharing some of my clients experiences. I hope that these stories will help you navigate your issues more easily. Alicia and her daughter LeAnne have always had a close loving relationship. They enjoyed lunches, spa days, art fairs and all…

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        Eleven Random Things About Me

Being a psychic and medium seems to make people think that I live an out-there kind of life. I don’t. I have regular responsibilities and many other interests and talents. These are a few random things about me.  1. We like to explore the beautiful small towns in MN and…

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Your Spiritual Team & Your Emotions

You may enjoy and appreciate spiritual guidance from a member of the clergy, a shaman or other type of spiritual teacher. These people-in-bodies can have wonderful insight and can be extremely helpful in assisting us on our earthly path. We are also able to receive guidance from those without bodies.…

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Accepting Yourself

Denying any part of yourself whether it’s your sexuality, being clairvoyant or an empath, your nationality or your burning desire to be a gardener, doctor or dancer is denying your value as a human being. You’re saying that you believe that the world doesn’t value that part of you, so…

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Meditation is the Gateway to Intuition

Our minds are constantly working. The flow of thoughts and emotions can feel unstoppable and uncontrollable. This steady stream of energy is usually reliving your past or planning for the future but it’s rarely focused on the present. Intuition only happens in the present moment and if you’re not there,…

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I Am Not Afraid Of You

On September 10, 2021 right before the sabbath and in the midst of the holiest days of the Jewish year, someone made terrorist threats against the synagogue that the fifth generation of my family is now attending. This is my response. I Am Not Afraid Of You I am not…

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You Are Not A Robot

In trying to get through their lives, people often develop a hardened heart. They believe that to accomplish their goals and take care of their responsibilities, they need to be as laser-focused as possible. In essence they live with blinders on so that they don’t get distracted. When you protect…

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