

Whether I’m doing a reading or teaching a class, people often have similar concerns.

These posts answer some of my most frequently asked questions.


Growing Our Relationship to Our Soul

  After reading my post What is Soul? , people have asked me to talk more about what soul growth is and how it happens.   We are born for one reason and one reason only: Growing Our Relationship to Our Soul.   Soul growth is a term for the evolution…

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The Purpose of Regret

Dear Cousin, I have very few regrets in life, but there is one that I hold dear to my heart. When our Aunt Shari died I realized that I’d never thanked her for what she meant to me. She showed up for me in many ways over the years and…

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Emotions & Life Lessons

Nothing in life is random. When you repeatedly have experiences that elicit the same emotional response, that emotion is a clue that can lead you to an important lesson. Jamie was on a museum tour with her husband. The docent was informative and entertaining and they were having a great time. Then one…

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You May Be An Empath

When your anxiety is overwhelming and feels almost uncontrollable it may not belong to you. You may be an empath. If for no apparent reason, you are often overcome by feelings of grief, sadness, despair or loneliness; the emotions may not belong to you. You may be an empath. If you’ve…

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Honoring Yourself

I was told to stop being so picky. And I said: Why? You’ll end up alone. I’m okay with that. I like me. No one’s going to rescue you. From what? I like my life. Everyone wants to be married and have children. I don’t.  You’re not being honest, of course…

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Deepening Relationships By Being Present

Reese at 1 Being in the present moment means letting go of thinking about the past or the future and being fully aware of what is happening right now in the present moment. It has many benefits such as strengthening memory, reducing stress and improving focus. The benefit that I…

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Love Never Dies

I’ve been a medium since birth and over the years have worked with thousands of dead people. None of them have ever said that they wish they had worked more. None of them have mentioned money, possessions or weight. Every single person has come to me out of concern for…

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If We Met For A Chat

            If you and I met for coffee just to have a chat, what would you ask me? You: You seem so happy. Doesn’t talking to dead people make you sad? Victoria: No. The dead people that I speak with are filled with love for…

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How to Load a Dishwasher

  Years ago a major university did a study on the most effective way to load a dishwasher. Please forgive them; it was the 60’s. As silly as it sounds the results are important. They found over 100 ways to load a dishwasher and they all worked. The results of…

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A Purpose of a Noisy Mind – Part II

From the time that we wake up until the time that we fall asleep, our brains are on hyper-drive. Occasionally we can focus on the task at hand, but usually we’re checking email while on  the  phone, on the phone while driving to a meeting and planning the next meeting…

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