

Whether I’m doing a reading or teaching a class, people often have similar concerns.

These posts answer some of my most frequently asked questions.


Sometimes Life Sucks

Sometimes life sucks. There are days when meditation and medication just aren’t enough to get you where you want to be. That’s life. You’ve had good days and bad days before, so you know that neither lasts forever. So what do you do on those really difficult days?Don’t fight with…

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There is No Death

    When people think about death and dying, they usually feel vulnerable. We have little control over when or how we die and little knowledge of what happens after death. This lack of knowledge makes us feel vulnerable and feeling vulnerable leads to fear. I can’t just say to…

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    Worrying takes time and energy and it never helps. It may cause high blood pressure or increase anxiety but it will never contribute to solving any problem.    Riley has severe anxiety. She was invited to join a group of women on a four-day getaway at a luxury beachside resort. Her husband…

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New Things

  Going along in life playing it safe, doing the same thing all day everyday, doesn’t give you a chance to grow, to learn or to experience what life has to offer. Consistency is not an accomplishment; it means that you’re sitting on the sidelines and letting life pass you by.…

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Anger in itself is not bad, but holding on to anger never has a positive outcome. Anger exists, it is real. Ignoring anger won’t make it go away, it will only cause it to fester. Anger is a sneaky little devil. You may think that you have it under control…

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Learning From Your Past

  Sophie’s father was diagnosed as bi-polar when it was still called manic depression. He vacillated between violent temper tantrums, morose feelings of worthlessness and grandiose orations on being ‘king of the castle’. As Sophie grew up and had more exposure to other people, she realized that her childhood wasn’t normal or healthy. She…

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The Car Accident

Imagine that you’re on your way to work. There’s a blizzard, 20 below zero, and snow blowing so hard that you can barely see out of your windshield. Your brakes fail and you skid off the icy road and smash into a tree, knocked unconscious. A good Samaritan calls 911 and…

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  Disappointment is always caused by wanting something to be different than it is. Carrying disappointment, anger or resentment will not make your life better and it will not change anything.   You can use disappointment constructively. If your disappointment comes from a life situation that can be changed, you…

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A Little About Me & A Little Advice

    Many people have asked about my journey and any advise that I have about being a medium. I’ve been a medium all of my life. As a child my friends were what I called ‘see-throughs’. As I grew older, they stopped letting me see them so that I…

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There is No Broken

Do we consider a newborn broken because they can’t walk? Do we consider a 1-year-old broken because they can’t read? No, we accept that they are at a particular stage in their growth and development. If a person is an addict or has depression or cancer, it does not mean that they are broken. It…

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