Gratitude brings a shift in consciousness. It can literally change your neural pathways to allow you to feel happiness more easily. I hope that these posts inspire you to think of your own: Ten Things of Thankful!
1. The Sun! I’m a sun person. Not for heat, just for shine. As long as the sun is shining, I don’t care how cold it gets. This winter was a real trial for sun lovers, grey, cloudy and overcast for what felt like forever. Then the sun shined! So bright I almost had to wear sunglasses in the house. That’s not a complaint; it’s truly joy.

2. Random pop-up pictures on Bobby’s phone of special moments with my great-nieces and nephews, kids and grandkids. I didn’t think of them as special when they were taken. But seeing them just appear out of nowhere brought back wonderful memories.
3. Gillian. Writing my blog is like cooking without a recipe. I’ve been communicating with dead people for so long that I don’t realize when it may appear that I’m being cryptic. Gillian reads my posts and lets me know when concepts need more clarification. She asks great questions and has inspired several posts.
4. Marilyn edits for spelling and grammar and has been extremely helpful as a sounding board for new ideas. We’ve known each other for over 25 years and share a love of spiritual awakening and growth.

5. Flowers! Bob and I went to the Como Park Conservatory and reveled in the warmth of the Fern Room and Palm Dome. The flowers were in full bloom in a myriad of colors, brightening the moods of everyone there. I loved just standing by the orchids and hearing person after person cry out: Oh look at them!
6. After the Conservatory we went to The Market at Malcolm Yards, a food hall with all local restaurants. Bob had salmon from Advellum and I had dosa from Momo Dosa. Both were delicious! Wrecktangle Pizza just won an award for best pizza in the USA on Good Morning America and we can’t wait to try it next time.
7. My morning alone time. I’m naturally an early riser, most days before 5 and Bob’s not up until 7 or 8. I’ll start the day with meditating, relax more with a cup of coffee and a little TV, then usually read or write. I cherish having this quiet time for myself.
8. My niece just had a gorgeous baby boy. He’s healthy, well-loved and I can’t wait to meet him!
9. Our red maple tree. We’ve watched it grow from a sapling to taller than the house and enjoyed every seasonal change. Winter branches covered in snow, spring buds, summer leaves and the brilliant red of fall.

10. My office. Moving into this house about 20 years ago gave me my first opportunity to take all of my books out of boxes and put them on shelves. I feel an extreme sense of peace and comfort when I’m surrounded by books. They’ve opened my eyes and heart to new worlds and inspired me in countless ways. Thank you to all of you writers!
Sunshine is such a happy thing!
Books, family, sunshine–what a great list! Thanks for sharing!
Thank you, Kristi!
Beautiful list!
Thank you, Lisa. I loved yours too!
What a wonderful list!
Spring is “happy season” for sure. I am obsessed about blossoming trees, they are so pretty!
Thanks, Tamara. What a great way to say it, Happy Season!
Hi Victoria,
It is wonderful to meet you here on this blog challenge.
I have a cousin that regularly blogs about what she is thankful for. What a positive way to start and end each day.
Blog on !
Thank you, Doug. I’ve been reading other peoples TTOT lists but until I started writing one myself, I didn’t realize how much fun it would be. Looking forward to reading your blog!
Victoria, I love your Ten Things of Thankful! Thank you for sharing it. As you know, I have been through extreme events in the last several years. Yet I am grateful for everything, the apparently good and the apparently bad. I am so grateful to know you and to have your brand of organic instant coffee in my kitchen! I would love to talk soon.
Kebba, I admire you so much. I know that it’s been a challenging time for you and you still find plenty to be grateful for. I think you’ll be in a future TTOT list. So glad that you’re enjoying the coffee!