Gratitude brings a shift in consciousness. It can literally change your neural pathways to allow you to feel happiness more easily. I hope that these posts inspire you to think of your own: Ten Things of Thankful!
1. Talented and kind medical professionals.
2. The big old tree in our backyard. As I sit at my desk typing away, I look out on this huge maple, limbs spreading out to the neighbors yard and leaves traveling even farther in the fall. There are squirrels running back and forth and up and down all year round. Then when spring hits, the birds arrive. Their mating songs are a joy to hear and we know that warmer temps are soon to follow.
3. Volodymyr Zelensky.
4. My friends, Jim and Satomi. They could have stayed safe and comfortable in their home, but they didn’t. They went to Poland and volunteered to help in whatever way was needed. I’m truly in awe of their compassion and their sense of duty to be of service.
5. People who think differently than I do and who are willing to respectfully discuss our beliefs without trying to convert me.
6. Playing solitaire when my mind is overwhelmed with input. A few minutes of the repetitive soft click of the mouse on a non-demanding task allows me to release excess mental energy.
7. Gluten-Free cake mixes. They’re so quick and easy! I still like experimenting with my own GF flour blends, but these make it so simple to have a safe, tasty treat.

8. My mother-in-law was a talented sculptor. She traveled to Pietrasanta, Italy, and chose this marble from the same mountain where Michelangelo chose his. Every time I see this I think of her, a kind, gentle, unassuming woman with an extraordinary talent.
9. So many apples to choose from! My favorite (this week) is the organic Cosmic Crisp, they’re sweet and crunchy. They’d be perfect in any baked good but never seem to last long enough to get into a pan.
10. The smell of the air as it changes from winter to spring.
I enjoyed your TToT list this week.
Especially #6 I find it more relaxing a diversion than puzzles but more challenging (and usually more exciting) than staring out the window.
A terrific list! I’m so glad you joined us at the TToT! I love fresh apples, too, and that sculpture is absolutely amazing! What a treasure!
You list made me smile!
Thank you, Mimi!
So many good things in this post! I particularly like #5. Being able to discuss points of view civilly and without expectation seems to be a lost art!
I used a gluten-free cake mix this week, when I had someone over who doesn’t eat gluten. It was sure convenient! I also have some Cosmic Crisp apples on my counter right now. I think I’m getting a hankering for an apple!
Thanks, Kristi. Apples and cake, we’re definitely on the same wave length today!
Whenever I journal, particularly when I’m struggling to figure out something, I like to add three things I’m grateful for in my life. It’s a reminder that even when things aren’t great, there’s always something to be grateful for.
That’s a great idea! Being grateful can help change our mindset and help us see new perspectives.
Love this list! I second #5! I can’t tell you how many times people have tried to convert me (read: bully me) into thinking as they do. I’m all for learning new ways of thought and other people’s beliefs but they need to have some respect for ours as well. Amen!
There is so much to learn out there in the world. I agree, I would love to be able to be able to ask questions and have a real conversation.
I like your list! It is important to stop and think of things that we are grateful for.
Also, your mother-in-law is very talented!
She really was. I’m so thankful to have several of her pieces.
Beautiful art! I play solitaire to calm my evening mind. Great tool!
My friend said that solitaire is a babysitter for the monkey mind, helping us to focus on other things.
Lovely list of grateful!
It’s good for our well-being to focus on grateful as opposed to the alternative. Reading yours and Lisa’s makes me want to do the same, particularly at this moment in time.
For me, when it’s the most difficult is when I need it the most. Please let me know if you do it. I’d love to read your list!
It’s great to stop and think about what you appreciate in life. I’m impresseed with your MIL’s sculpting skills.
Thank you, Kate. She’s amazing isn’t she!